Pav-Lover Grazer


Everything you need to build your own mini Christmas pavlova for 6 people! Everyone gets to choose exactly what they want on their pav!
Comes with 6 mini pavlova meringues, in season fruits including all the berries…strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, kiwifruit, dragonfruit, figs, edible flowers & candy cane sprinkles, cherries, double whipped cream, chocolate flakes, toasted coconut flakes, brandy snaps, pomegranate seeds, decadently delicious passionfruit or blueberry coulis, mini meringue kisses, and chocolate dipping sauce!


Everything you need to build your own mini pavlova for 6 people! Everyone gets to choose exactly what they want on their pav!
Comes with 6 mini pavlova meringues, in season fruits including all the berries…strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, kiwifruit, dragonfruit, figs, edible flowers & candy cane sprinkles, cherries, double whipped cream, chocolate flakes, toasted coconut flakes, brandy snaps,  decadently delicious passionfruit coulis, mini meringue kisses, and chocolate dipping sauce!